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For Defined Frizz Free Curls

  • TréLuxe ReFlex™ Curl Styling Serum

    ReFlex™ Curl Styling Serum was created to bring flexible hold to your curly and wavy styles without sacrificing the “bounce” of your curls. The silky, lightweight liquid styler provides just enough slip to glide through every twist and turn of your tresses, while adding definition and increasing curl elasticity for those bounce back curls you’ve been waiting to unleash. Botanical extracts help provide shine and smooth texture to showcase your curls, while a coconut water and aloe juice infusion delivers moisture to thirsty curls, keeping them rejuvenated throughout the day.

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  • TréLuxe Hi! Definition™ Curl Enhancer Styling Gel

    Say hi to amazing curl definition and bye to pesky frizz as Hi! Definition™ Curl Enhancer Styling Gel transforms tresses from lifeless to luxe in a snap. Our moisture and nutrient rich purée is infused with avocado, sage, and honey extracts, and is specifically formulated to provide enhanced curl definition and luminous shine with medium-to-high hold. Hi! Definition™ Curl Enhancer allows you to maintain styles for days instead of hours, giving you confidence in every curl!

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  • Curls So So Smooth Vitamin C Leave In Conditioner

    Formulated with vitamins A, B1, B6 and C, So So Smooth Vitamin C Leave-in Conditioner is the dopest way to refresh, condition and soften your curls every time you style.

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  • Jessicurl Spiralicious Styling Gel - Island Fantasy

    Spiralicious Styling Gel, the thicker, stronger hold styler you’ve been asking for. Spiralicious is much thicker than Confident Coils and very gel-like in consistency but does not flake in the hair like many gels can. While it can dry crunchy, that initial crunch scrunches out really easily, leaving the hair very soft to the touch, but the curls hold up all day

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  • CURLSMITH Curl Defining Styling Souffle 8oz

    Curlsmith – Curl Defining Styling Soufflé er en krøllecreme OG en stylinggel i en! Denne lette gelé giver dine krøller definition, “bounce” og et medium hold. Den skaber en let “CAST” omkring krøllerne, der holder fugten inde og giver definition. CAST’en vil føles hård at røre ved, mens krøllerne tørrer, men når krøllerne først er helt tørre, er du bare nødt til at “klemme/kramme” dit hår forsigtigt op for at bryde den hårde CAST og det vil efterlade dig med bløde, definerede krøller. Forskellen mellem Balm, Souffle og Fixer er hovedsageligt i deres strukturer og hvor meget hold/CAST de giver dit hår.: Balm giver et let hold, Souffle er en gel der giver medium hold og Fixer er en gel der giver stærk hold.

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Looking After Curls in Winter

What gets dry, crisp, brittle and falls in winter? LEAVES!