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Wash Day Essentials

All You Need For A Successful Wash Day

Styling Must Haves

For Defined Frizz Free Curls

  • BREAHNI Moisture Milk

    Breahni Moisture Milk is a creamy blend that provides moisture and hydration to your curls. This refreshing milk will leave your hair noticeably soft and effortlessly improves manageability. Can be used daily as a moisturizer or curl refresher.

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  • CURLSMITH Curl Defining Styling Souffle 8oz

    Curlsmith – Curl Defining Styling Soufflé er en krøllecreme OG en stylinggel i en! Denne lette gelé giver dine krøller definition, “bounce” og et medium hold. Den skaber en let “CAST” omkring krøllerne, der holder fugten inde og giver definition. CAST’en vil føles hård at røre ved, mens krøllerne tørrer, men når krøllerne først er helt tørre, er du bare nødt til at “klemme/kramme” dit hår forsigtigt op for at bryde den hårde CAST og det vil efterlade dig med bløde, definerede krøller. Forskellen mellem Balm, Souffle og Fixer er hovedsageligt i deres strukturer og hvor meget hold/CAST de giver dit hår.: Balm giver et let hold, Souffle er en gel der giver medium hold og Fixer er en gel der giver stærk hold.

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  • CURLS Goddess Botanical Gelle

    The perfect product for curlies in humid climates to provide all-day curl definition and to protect against a curly girl's worst nightmare, FRIZZ. Great product to use before travelling…to set and keep your curls in place.

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  • Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Boosting Mousse

    Help boost your curls' bounce with every ounce of the Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Curl Boosting hair mousse for curly hair. Keep your style in line as you charm your senses with our sparkling mixed berry scent found in our mousse for curly hair.

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  • Bounce Curl Moisture Balance Leave in Conditioner

    Our ultra-concentrated, powerful leave-in conditioner (primer & styling cream) is designed for deep nourishment to create strong, shiny, healthy, & soft hair. Infused with 5 Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Oils including; Egyptian Neroli oil, Jojoba, Olive, Fenugreek, Argan oil & more. This luxurious leave-in can be used for every wash & go and can be applied as a primer underneath any hair products to achieve extreme moisture balance & daily protection.

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  • Bounce Curl Defining Butta

    Bounce Curl Defining Butta - Products made with Pure Love to create amazing curls! New Preservative, NO silicones, NO parabens, NO Sulfates, NO PEG's, NO DEA/MEA, & NO animal testing, NO Propylene or Butylene Glycols.  Color Safe & Vegan.

    This 2 in 1 moisturizing Defining Butta is used for wash & go’s or twist outs specifically for type 4a-4c hair or thick hair.

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Looking After Curls in Winter

What gets dry, crisp, brittle and falls in winter? LEAVES!